USA Pickleball: The pickleball 2-bounce rule

USA Pickleball official Maddie Toren will teach you all about the pickleball two-bounce rule.

Maddie Toren



July 19, 2024



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When you begin any pickleball game, the pickleball two-bounce rule is one of the most important things to think about. The two-bounce rule basically says that after the ball is served, each side must let the ball bounce prior to vollying the ball.

Pickleball two-bounce rule (Rule 7.A.)

Here’s how the two-bounce rule works in pickleball:

  • Shot 1: The player serves, which is considered the first shot of the game.

  • Shot 2: Then the opponent returns the ball, but must allow the ball to bounce before they hit the ball.

  • Shot 3: The serving team must also let the ball bounce before hitting the third shot.

  • Shot 4: On the fourth shot, the non-serving team can choose to volley the ball or hit it off the bounce.

  • Shots 5+: Each player can choose to volley the ball or hit it off the bounce, as long as they stay within all other rules of the game of pickleball.

Learn more about the pickleball two-bounce rule.

If you would like to learn more details about these rules refer to the official rulebook at

Maddie Toren is a pro pickleball official and the first-ever teen-certified referee. This is Episode 4 of “10 Rules All Beginner Pickleball Players Should Know: Part 1.”