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Small pickleball changes you can make to prevent injuries

What are some small changes you can make on the pickleball court to help you prevent injuries?

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Jaclyn Brandt


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Pickleball injuries happen all the time, and they aren’t always caused by being out of shape. So what are some small changes you can make on the pickleball court to help you prevent injuries?

Calling the ball on court

One of the simplest things you can to prevent pickleball injuries also has one of the largest impacts: calling the pickleball on court. What this means is that if your game ball strays onto a different court, you should yell “ball” or “ball on court” as loud and as quickly as you can.

A lot of pickleball injuries — sprained ankle, broken wrist, etc. — come from stepping on a ball and falling. As soon as your ball goes wayward, whether it’s going directly to another court or not, you should always yell “ball” so people know there is a chance of a stray ball. A ball on court is considered a hinder and you will be able to replay the rally.

If you hear someone yelling “ball” you should pay attention to where they are yelling and don’t make any unnecessary movements that might cause you to trip on a stray pickleball.

Wear proper pickleball shoes

Many beginner pickleball players will wear whatever athletic shoes they have lying around to play pickleball. But there are shoes that work for pickleball, and shoes you absolutely should not be wearing to play pickleball.

Pickleball-specific shoes are always going to be the best option for playing pickleball because they are made specifically for the movements caused by the sport. Tennis shoes are another acceptable option, since both sports have similar (side-to-side) movements.

If you do have to wear non-pickleball athletic shoes to play, running shoes are going to be the worst option. Running shoes are built for forward movement and have rigid sides that can cause injury if you wear them for tennis or pickleball.

Stretch & warm up

Being in shape can help prevent injuries in any sport, as can making sure you stretch and warm up before any game or practice. In many leagues or open play, there will be a period of warming up before you begin playing. Make sure to arrive early enough to be able to participate, it will help your body get warmed up for the actual game.

There are a lot of stretches you can do to warm up your muscles as well so you are ready for play.

Learn the rules of pickleball

Knowing the rules of pickleball will help you have confidence in where to go on the court and how to hit the ball. It will also give you the confidence to not go after balls that you will not be able to reach, that were hit illegally, or are going to be out of bounds.

As an example, if a serve is hit very short — into the kitchen zone — but you did not know that is not allowed, you may try to dive for the ball. But learning the game, and the rules, or pickleball, will help you know when to go for it, and when not to.

Protective gear

Wearing protective gear can be a good idea to prevent injuries in pickleball. Some ideas for pickleball protective gear:

Protecting your body is more important than winning any pickleball game — these are just a few tips to keep yourself and other players safe. The best things you can to stay healthy is to listen to your body, know your limits, and do everything you can to prevent injuries before they happen.

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